Work with us



Changing the Face of the Industry

Who We Are

We're a team of energetic, collaborative and highly motivated individuals who nerd out about what we do. We value diversity, innovation, and challenging the status quo and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment.

What We Do

We focus on driving change in the mining industry through innovation, digitization, and automation, to improve the quality of work and increase safety for both on-site personnel and those in the C-suite.

What makes a Rockie


A lot lighter. We packed the same tech into a completely redesigned form factor that reduces weight by XX.XX Kgs


A lot lighter. We packed the same tech into a completely redesigned form factor that reduces weight by XX.XX Kgs


A lot lighter. We packed the same tech into a completely redesigned form factor that reduces weight by XX.XX Kgs


an industry calls for an optimal environment

Exceptional Team

We strive to build and maintain a team that is collaborative, diverse, and highly intelligent.
Video office
 - Rockmass

Rewarding Benefits

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Remote & Hybrid

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We embrace our diversity, create a respectful and inclusive atmosphere, strive for ambitious goals, and always celebrate our wins - big or small.



Are you a subject matter expert passionate about working as part of a dynamic team? If so, we’ve been looking for you!


Technical Services

Lets Connect

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