

Geological and geotechnical LiDAR mapping

The upgraded LithOS supports capturing data in two modes: 2D HD images and 3D point clouds.
It also includes features such as ground support, streamlined workflows, scanline and window mapping.
enhanced in v5.0:

Streamlined flow

Batch draw all the features you want to capture in sequence, then cycle through documenting each one individually.

Scanline mapping

Set a scanline height to a group of up to 10 scans to determine feature deviations/ intersections and potential hazards.

Ground supports

Identify ground support locations, document attributes and add custom descriptions to streamline underground inspections.
reimagined and redesigned




Seeing is believing. Experience our customizable workflows through a demo or site visit to see how they can increase the safety and efficiency for your entire team.
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single and multi-window

Captures 3D point clouds & 2D HD images - choice is yours

Scan up to 30m in 2D and map onto an HD image. Alternatively, capture your point cloud in an ideal range of 3-5 m.
time-saving automation

Stereonets, Q-Systems, and RMR values automatically created.

Autogenerate stereonets and combo stereonets with hero images, and auto calculate values.

see it in action

The future of mining technology

Learn how mines across the globe are benefiting from a digital-first approach to underground data collection.

Discover what’s possible with RockMass Eon

Watch our RockMass expert scan, annotate, and sync data to the cloud in minutes.

Latest product innovation

Discover the new standard for geological and geotechnical mapping

“Being able to go underground, take one measurement, draw it out one time, and then be able to easily transfer it to whatever software we’re using is huge”

Capturing data in a safer, more consistent, and complete manner.
Key benefits:
  1. Cross-departmental communication and data sharing
  2. Georeferenced data sets captured from a safe distance
  3. Customized workflows and systematic naming conventions
less time in mine
safe ground
less time in mine
safe ground
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“The mapper is producing information that is much, much, much more valuable than any other method that I’ve come across”

Significantly faster post-processing than manual methods and eliminates revisits underground.
Key benefits:
  1. Cross-departmental communication and data sharing
  2. Manageable file sizes, faster exports and less time watching loading screens
  3. Fracture of the time to export – 5 minutes or less
less time in mine
safe ground
less time in mine
safe ground
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“Being able to go underground, take one measurement, draw it out one time, and then be able to easily transfer it to whatever software we’re using is huge”

Accessible localized data to positively impact the bottom line and quotas.
Key benefits:
  1. Localized data for quality control inspections and audits
  2. Manage production goals by modeling real underground data
  3. Streamlined data collection systems
less time in mine
safe ground
less time in mine
safe ground
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“Being able to go underground, take one measurement, draw it out one time, and then be able to easily transfer it to whatever software we’re using is huge”

Competitive edge by cultivating a positive reputation, better retention, and increased efficiency.
Key benefits:
  1. Attract and retain personnel with the latest tech.
  2. Improve bottom line through increased efficiency of manpower.
  3. Increase safety by keeping people away from the face.
less time in mine
safe ground
less time in mine
safe ground
Donec sed odio dui. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
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Experience all the new innovations in the upgraded LithOS

We’ve reimagined the mapping features to align with how people operate in the mine
  • Streamlines the workflow from drawing to documentation
  • Optimizes 3D rendering using scanline and window pane mapping
  • Map above or below ground with the integration of Stratus2.0
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Case study
Case Study
Mapping Accuracy |
250% efficiency gain

Glencore Streamlined it’s operations with Rockmass Mapper & LithOS

Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
Read Now >

“The precision and detail I get when Mapping with Rockmass solutions is without compare”

Adam R.T. Smith
Geologist, Zaha Mine, Tension Mining Corp.
More about our Geology solutions

“The precision and detail I get when Mapping with Rockmass solutions is without compare”

Adam R.T. Smith
Geologist, Zaha Mine, Tension Mining Corp.
More about our Geology solutions

“The precision and detail I get when Mapping with Rockmass solutions is without compare”

Adam R.T. Smith
Geologist, Zaha Mine, Tension Mining Corp.
More about our Geology solutions

“The precision and detail I get when Mapping with Rockmass solutions is without compare”

Adam R.T. Smith
Geologist, Zaha Mine, Tension Mining Corp.
More about our Geology solutions

one-click sync
from underground to cloud

34 scans syncing to Stratus
Team members can sync their data to facilitate wireless data sharing within or across departments
upgraded in v5.0

Map more efficiently

An improved workflow that allows for simultaneous feature documentation, both underground or above ground.

Minimize face exposure

A safer way to complete tasks from a distance - avoid the need to be close to a potentially hazardous rock face.

Encourage collaboration

Cross-departmental sharing allows all departments to use the same scan for their individual needs.

our integration partners

Sequent Leapfrog Geo

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Deswik CAD

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  • Donec sed odio dui.
  • Donec sed odio dui.

RocScience Dips

  • Donec sed odio dui.
  • Donec sed odio dui.
  • Donec sed odio dui.

Mircromine Beyond

  • Donec sed odio dui.
  • Donec sed odio dui.
  • Donec sed odio dui.
it's time to

Leave the stone age behind

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